
Kroger Deli and Bakery Prices

On the Kroger Deli and Bakery menu, the most expensive item is Hand Breaded Chicken Tenders - Traditional or Buffalo (Per Pound), which costs $7.99. The cheapest item on the menu is By the Piece, which costs $0.79. The average price of all items on the menu is currently $6.08.

View the Kroger Deli and Bakery menu prices list below for the most accurate and up-to-date menu prices. We aggregate data from one or more Kroger Deli and Bakery locations in our database to create the most accurate list of Kroger Deli and Bakery prices. Don't rely on outdated price data. We update our database frequently to ensure that the prices are as accurate as possible.

Top Rated Items at Kroger Deli and Bakery

Roast Chicken Price


Chickaboom Price

Beta Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
based on 3 items ratings
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Average Item Price

You are viewing the average Kroger Deli and Bakery prices from 0 locations in our database.

What are the hours of operation for the Kroger Deli and Bakery?

The hours of operation for the Kroger Deli and Bakery may vary depending on your local store. Generally, Kroger stores are open from early morning until late evening, seven days a week. To find the specific hours for your nearest Kroger Deli and Bakery, we recommend visiting the official Kroger website or contacting your local store directly.

What types of sandwiches does Kroger Deli and Bakery offer?

Kroger Deli offers a diverse selection of sandwiches to suit various tastes. You can find classic choices like turkey and ham, as well as specialty sandwiches with unique ingredients. The options typically include a variety of bread, meats, cheeses, and fresh vegetables. Don't hesitate to ask the friendly staff for recommendations or inquire about customizing your sandwich to your preferences.

How can I place an order for a party platter from Kroger Deli and Bakery?

To order a party platter from Kroger Deli and Bakery, visit your local store or use their online ordering platform if available. They offer a range of platters, from deli meats and cheeses to fresh fruit and dessert options. Be sure to place your order well in advance, especially for large gatherings or during busy seasons, to ensure availability.

Are there vegetarian or vegan options at Kroger Deli and Bakery?

Yes, Kroger Deli and Bakery typically offer vegetarian and vegan options. You can find sandwiches and bakery items crafted with plant-based ingredients, such as veggie sandwiches, salads, and baked goods. These options cater to customers with various dietary preferences.

Does Kroger Deli and Bakery offer gluten-free options?

Yes, Kroger Deli and Bakery often provide gluten-free options. You can find gluten-free bread and bakery items suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or dietary restrictions. Always check with your local store for the latest gluten-free offerings.

Is Kroger Deli and Bakery available for online ordering and delivery?

Yes, many Kroger locations offer online ordering and delivery services. You can place orders for both Deli and Bakery items through their website or mobile app. Delivery options may vary by location, so check with your local Kroger for availability and delivery details.

What is the delivery fee of items bought from Kroger Deli and Bakery?

Their minimum delivery for same day or next day home delivery is $6.95. Delivery is free for purchased items with a total of $35 and above

Does Kroger Deli and Bakery offer catering services?

Yes, Kroger Deli and Bakery offers catering services for various events and occasions. They can provide party platters, sandwich trays, dessert assortments, and more. Contact your local store or visit their website for catering menu options and details on how to place an order.

Does Kroger Deli and Bakery offer any loyalty or rewards programs for Deli and Bakery purchases?

Kroger often offers loyalty programs and rewards for shoppers, which may include discounts, coupons, and points-based systems. These rewards can often be applied to purchases made in the Deli and Bakery sections. Check with your local Kroger store or their website to learn about any ongoing loyalty programs.

Can I pre-order items from Kroger Deli and Bakery for pickup?

Yes, Kroger typically allows customers to pre-order items from the Deli and Bakery for pickup. This convenient service can save you time, especially during busy periods or when planning for special events. Visit their website or contact your local store for pre-ordering options.

What is the policy for returns or refunds of Kroger Deli and Bakery items?

Kroger's return and refund policy may vary by location and the specific item in question. Generally, they aim to provide customer satisfaction, and if you're dissatisfied with your purchase, it's best to speak with the store manager or customer service for assistance. Keep your receipt and packaging for reference.

Are there any special promotions or discounts at Kroger Deli and Bakery?

Kroger often runs promotions, discounts, and sales on Deli and Bakery items. These can include weekly specials, digital coupons, and seasonal discounts. To stay updated on the latest deals, consider signing up for their loyalty program or checking their website and app regularly.

Does Kroger Deli and Bakery have a mobile app for ordering?

Yes, Kroger typically offers a mobile app that allows you to order Deli and Bakery items online for pickup or delivery, as well as access digital coupons and manage your loyalty rewards. Download the app from your device's app store and start exploring its features.

What are the popular items or bestsellers at Kroger Deli and Bakery?

The popularity of items at Kroger Deli and Bakery can vary by location and customer preferences. However, some consistently popular choices include fresh-baked bread, rotisserie chicken, custom-made sandwiches, and party platters. Be sure to ask the staff for recommendations based on your tastes.

Who are the competitors of Kroger Deli and Bakery?

Walmart Deli and Bakery

Walmart offers a wide range of Deli and Bakery items, including sandwiches, freshly baked bread, and party platters. They are known for their affordability and convenient locations.

Publix Deli and Bakery

Publix is a supermarket chain offering a diverse selection of deli sandwiches, custom cakes, and bakery goods. They are renowned for their high-quality products and customer service.

Safeway Deli and Bakery

Safeway provides a variety of deli meats, cheeses, and bakery items. They are known for their fresh ingredients and often offer local specialties.

Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods focuses on natural and organic products, including deli and bakery items. They offer a wide range of gourmet options and cater to health-conscious consumers.

Category Deli and Bakery
Kroger Deli and Bakery prices

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