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ඔබ බලනවා සාමාන්යය Le Chef Restaurant (LK) මිල සිට 2 අපගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ ස්ථාන.
කොටසට යන්න
Le Chef Restaurant (LK) මෙනුව
Picked For You |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Sicilian Prawn Tagliatelle
Tagliatelle made freshly using semolina floor, prawns white wine homemade prawn stock cherry tomatoes sauce, fresh marinara, and basil. Made with olive oil.
₨820.00 |
Chicken Roulade Rustic Style
Chicken breast stuffed with ricotta peanuts spinach and smoked mozzarella with sweet potato casserole made from roasted sweet potatoes bell peppers tomatoes and stock accompanied with sautéed mushrooms, pickles, and with the option of any side (made with olive oil).
₨880.00 |
Potato Gnocchi Fresh Corn Cream with Mushrooms
Sauce made from fresh sweet corn cream, homemade mushroom stock, fresh corn sauteed mushrooms in drizzle of olive oil smoked mozzarella.
₨850.00 |
Dark Chocolate Tart
With salted caramel and cashews.
₨350.00 |
Tagliatelle and Chicken Meatballs
Tagliatelle made freshly using semolina floor homemade italian chicken meatballs stuffed with smoked mozzarella with slow cooked ragu`Made with onions ,carrots ,celery in homemade chicken stock, and homemade tomato sauce . Made with olive oil.
₨720.00 |
Entrees |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Chicken Roulade French Way
Chicken breast stuffed with ricotta peanuts spinach and smoked mozzarella, butternut squash puree, glazed carrots, seasonal veggie, pickled beetroot pickled cucumber, chicken jus or corn cream sauce, and made with olive oil with the option of any side.
₨920.00 |
Chicken Roulade Rustic Style (Entrees)
Chicken breast stuffed with ricotta peanuts spinach and smoked mozzarella with sweet potato casserole made from roasted sweet potatoes bell peppers tomatoes and stock accompanied with sautéed mushrooms, pickles, and with the option of any side (made with olive oil).
₨880.00 |
Sweet potato casserole and mushrooms
Roasted Sweet potato cooked in tomatoes ,homemade stock, bell peppers,and spices , mushrooms sautéed in a drizzle of olive oil withe the option of a side
₨610.00 |
Herb crusted chicken rustic style
Herb crusted chicken, sweet potato casserole made from roasted sweet potatoes bell peppers,tomatoes and stock accompanied with sautéed mushrooms, pickles, and with the option of any side (made with olive oil).
₨770.00 |
Herb Crusted Chicken
Butternut squash puree, glazed carrots, seasonal veggie, pickled beetroot, cucumber pickled, chicken jus or corn cream sauce, and made with olive oil with the option of any side.
₨630.00 |
Herb crusted chicken french way
Butternut squash puree, Honey glazed carrots, seasonal veggie, pickled beetroot, cucumber pickled, chicken jus or corn cream sauce, and made with olive oil with the option of any side.
₨790.00 |
Pasta |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Sicilian Prawn Tagliatelle (Pasta)
Tagliatelle made freshly using semolina floor, prawns white wine homemade prawn stock cherry tomatoes sauce, fresh marinara, and basil. Made with olive oil.
₨820.00 |
Tagliatelle and Chicken Meatballs (Pasta)
Tagliatelle made freshly using semolina floor homemade italian chicken meatballs stuffed with smoked mozzarella with slow cooked ragu`Made with onions ,carrots ,celery in homemade chicken stock, and homemade tomato sauce . Made with olive oil.
₨720.00 |
Tagliatelle with Mushrooms in Corn Cream Sauce
Sauce made from fresh sweet corn cream, mushroom stock, fresh corn sautéed mushrooms in drizzle of olive oil smoked mozzarella.
₨720.00 |
Potato Gnocchi Fresh Corn Cream with Mushrooms (Pasta)
Sauce made from fresh sweet corn cream, homemade mushroom stock, fresh corn sauteed mushrooms in drizzle of olive oil smoked mozzarella.
₨850.00 |
Potato Gnocchi with Sicilian Prawns
Potato gnocchi made fresh, prawns white wine homemade prawn stock, cherry tomatoes sauce, fresh marinara, and basil. Made with extra virgin olive oil.
₨940.00 |