පහත දැක්වෙන මිල වෙනස් කිරීමේ දත්ත අපගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ පෙර සහ අවසාන වාර්තාව අතර වෙනසයි. මෙම වාර්තා දෙක විවිධ ප්රභවයන්ගෙන් ලබා ගත හැකි අතර, එය භාවිතා කළ යුත්තේ ඇස්තමේන්තු ලෙස පමණි.
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ඔබ බලනවා සාමාන්යය Vilasa Cottage (LK) මිල සිට 2 අපගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ ස්ථාන.
කොටසට යන්න
Vilasa Cottage (LK) මෙනුව
Mains |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Chicken Curry
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select your 3 default vegs, please use the comments section to let us know. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨380.00 |
Fish Curry
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Ambulthiyal - ( Tuna )
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Fried Fish - (Bola : a whole piece of fish )
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Calamari (Cuttlefish)
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
BBQ Chicken - Whole Leg
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Seer Fish
Comes with 1 meat and 3 vegetables, To select please use the comments section to let us know which vegetables you would like with your meal. Please note vegetables are subject to availability:- (Dhal, Kankun, Mukunuanna, Gotukola, Dambala, Cabbage Leaves, Beens, Ash Plaintain, Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Capcicum, Potatoes, Wattakolu-Luffa, Soya meat, Sweet Potatoes, Brinjal Moju, Thalana Batu, Banana Flower, Long Beens, Mango, Amberalla, Kohila, Polos, Raddish, Bread Fruit)
₨480.00 |
Vegetarian | ₨330.00 |