Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
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You are viewing the average Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning prices from 0 locations in our database.
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Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning Menu
Carpet Cleaning EstimatesMinimum job is $90 plus $18 service charge.
Price | Reviews | ||
Estimated Price for Retail Space | $900.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (1 Room) | $50.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (2 Rooms) | $100.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (3 Rooms) | $150.00 |
Carpet Protect (1 Room) | $40.00 |
Carpet Deodorize (1 Room) | $40.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (1 Entry or Hall) | $20.00 |
Carpet Protect (1 Entry or Hall) | $40.00 |
Carpet Deodorize (1 Entry or Hall) | $40.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (1 Staircase) | $55.00 |
Carpet Protect (1 Staircase) | $40.00 |
Carpet Deodorize (1 Staircase) | $40.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (1 Walk In Closets) | $20.00 |
Carpet Protect (1 Walk In Closets) | $40.00 |
Carpet Deodorize (1 Walk In Closets) | $40.00 |
Carpet Cleaning (1 Landing) | $10.00 |
Carpet Protect (1 Landing) | $40.00 |
Carpet Deodorize (1 Landing) | $40.00 |
Upholstery Cleaning EstimatesMinimum job is $90 plus $18 service charge.
Price | Reviews | ||
Upholstery Cleaning (1 Sofa) | $108.00 |
Upholstery Protect (1 Sofa) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Deodorize (1 Sofa) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Cleaning (1 Sectional 4 Seat) | $146.68 |
Upholstery Protect (1 Sectional 1 Seat) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Deodorize (1 Sectional 1 Seat) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Cleaning (1 Loveseat) | $88.00 |
Upholstery Protect (1 Loveseat) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Deodorize (1 Loveseat) | $44.00 |
Upholstery Cleaning (1 Chair) | $40.00 |
Upholstery Protect (1 Chair) | $20.00 |
Upholstery Deodorize (1 Chair) | $20.00 |