
Phenix Salon Suites Prices

On the Phenix Salon Suites menu, the most expensive item is Keratin Complex Treatment, which costs $250.00. The cheapest item on the menu is Kids, which costs $15.00. The average price of all items on the menu is currently $70.94.

View the Phenix Salon Suites menu prices list below for the most accurate and up-to-date menu prices. We aggregate data from one or more Phenix Salon Suites locations in our database to create the most accurate list of Phenix Salon Suites prices. Don't rely on outdated price data. We update our database frequently to ensure that the prices are as accurate as possible.

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You are viewing the average Phenix Salon Suites prices from 0 locations in our database.

What is Phenix Salon Suites?

Phenix Salon Suites is a premier salon suite rental company that offers fully equipped, private salon spaces to beauty professionals in various fields, including hairstylists, estheticians, nail technicians, massage therapists, and more. These professionals can rent their own salon suite within a Phenix location to operate their independent businesses in a luxury salon environment.

How do Phenix Salon Suites work?

Phenix Salon Suites provides beauty professionals with the opportunity to lease their own salon suites within a shared facility. Each suite is fully equipped and ready for business, allowing beauty professionals to operate independently while benefiting from a collaborative and supportive salon community.

Can I rent a salon suite at Phenix Salon Suites?

Yes, you can rent a salon suite at Phenix Salon Suites if you are a licensed beauty professional looking to operate your own business. Phenix welcomes hairstylists, barbers, estheticians, nail technicians, makeup artists, massage therapists, and other beauty specialists.

What types of beauty professionals can rent salon suites at Phenix?

Phenix Salon Suites caters to a wide range of beauty professionals, including hairstylists, barbers, estheticians, nail technicians, makeup artists, massage therapists, and other beauty specialists. The diverse community fosters an environment of collaboration and client convenience.

Are salon suites at Phenix fully equipped, or do I need to bring my own equipment?

Phenix provides fully equipped salon suites, including salon chairs, sinks, mirrors, and other essential furnishings. However, beauty professionals are encouraged to bring their own specialized tools and products to personalize their workspace.

How much does it cost to rent a salon suite at Phenix Salon Suites?

The cost of renting a salon suite at Phenix Salon Suites varies depending on the location, suite size, and amenities offered. Prices can also differ based on your geographic area and market demand. It's advisable to contact your local Phenix Salon Suites location for specific pricing details.

Are there different sizes or layouts of salon suites available?

Yes, Phenix Salon Suites offers a variety of suite sizes and layouts to accommodate different beauty professionals' needs. Suites can range from intimate spaces for solo practitioners to larger suites suitable for multiple beauty professionals or those offering spa services.

What is included in the rental price of a salon suite?

The rental price typically includes the salon suite's furnishings, utilities, and maintenance of common areas. However, the specific inclusions may vary by location, so it's recommended to discuss the details with your local Phenix Salon Suites management.

Can I decorate and personalize my salon suite at Phenix?

Yes, you can decorate and personalize your salon suite at Phenix to create a unique and inviting atmosphere for your clients. Many beauty professionals take advantage of this opportunity to express their brand and style.

Is it possible to share a salon suite with another beauty professional?

Yes, some Phenix Salon Suites locations allow beauty professionals to share a salon suite with another licensed professional. Sharing can help distribute costs and create a collaborative work environment. However, policies may vary, so check with your local Phenix location for specific details.

Are there any contracts or lease agreements when renting a salon suite?

Yes, beauty professionals typically enter into lease agreements when renting a salon suite at Phenix Salon Suites. These agreements outline the terms and conditions of the lease, including rental rates, lease duration, and other important details.

Can I book appointments with beauty professionals at Phenix Salon Suites online?

Yes, many beauty professionals at Phenix Salon Suites offer online booking options for client convenience. These booking systems make it easy for clients to schedule appointments at their preferred times.

Are walk-ins accepted at Phenix Salon Suites, or is an appointment necessary?

While some beauty professionals at Phenix may accept walk-ins, it's advisable to schedule an appointment in advance whenever possible. Appointments ensure that you receive the dedicated attention and services you desire.

Are there any restrictions on the services that can be offered at Phenix Salon Suites?

Phenix Salon Suites typically allows a wide range of beauty and spa services to be offered by licensed professionals. However, certain services may be subject to local regulations or restrictions, so it's essential to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Who are the competitors of Phenix Salon Suites?

Sola Salon Studios

Sola Salon Studios is a similar salon suite rental company, providing private, fully equipped salon spaces for independent beauty professionals.

Salon Lofts

Salon Lofts is a salon suite rental company that offers individual salon spaces to beauty professionals. They provide an environment where hairstylists, estheticians, and other beauty experts can run their own businesses independently. 

Regis Salon

Regis Salon is a well-known chain of full-service hair salons operating in numerous locations across the United States. They provide a wide range of hair and beauty services, including haircuts, styling, coloring, and more.

Bubbles Salon

Bubbles Salon is part of the Ratner Companies, a prominent name in the salon industry. Bubbles Salon locations offer a variety of hair services, including haircuts, coloring, and styling. 

Fiesta Salon

Fiesta Salon often caters to a diverse clientele and offer haircuts, coloring, and other styling services.

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Phenix Salon Suites prices

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