Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
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You are viewing the average Afters Ice Cream prices from 40 locations in our database.
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Afters Ice Cream Menu
Afters Ice Cream PintsStock up for your personal pint night
Price | Reviews | ||
Cookie Monster Pint
all kinds of cookies & cream & fudge & yeah
$10.32 |
Chocolate Chip Cookie Pint
Plant-based Chocolate chip cookie dough with Afters plant-based chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chips, and chocolate swirl.
$10.00 |
ScoopsIce cream any way you like it
Price | Reviews | ||
Double Scoop
What's your two-scoop combo?
$8.50 |
Triple Scoop
Why choose 2 flavors when you can have 3?!
$10.44 |
Single Scoop
Trying a new flavor or sticking with your tried & scoop is for you
$6.11 |
PintsStock up for your personal pint night
Price | Reviews | ||
Hand-Scooped Pint
any flavor hand-scooped just for you
$12.33 |
Milk and Cereal Pint
sweet milk ice cream blended with our famous Afters Flakes that are buttered and caramelized [prepacked]
$10.28 |
Cookie Butter Pint
creamy speculoos ice cream with crushed speculoos cookies [prepacked]
$10.27 |
Strawberry Cookie Crunch Pint
classic strawberry ice cream with chocolate chip cookies.. lots of them [prepacked]
$10.29 |
Jasmine Milk Tea Pint
$10.27 |
Dark Matter Brownie Batter Pint
yes, we know you've always wanted to eat brownie batter. so we made it
$10.29 |
Saigon Coffee Pint
$10.17 |
Chocolate Chip Cookie Pint [plant-based]
$10.61 |
Birthday Cake Pint
sweet cream ice cream with cake batter, vanilla cake and rainbow sprinkles
$10.00 |