පහත දැක්වෙන මිල වෙනස් කිරීමේ දත්ත අපගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ පෙර සහ අවසාන වාර්තාව අතර වෙනසයි. මෙම වාර්තා දෙක විවිධ ප්රභවයන්ගෙන් ලබා ගත හැකි අතර, එය භාවිතා කළ යුත්තේ ඇස්තමේන්තු ලෙස පමණි.
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ඔබ බලනවා සාමාන්යය Chocoholics - Colombo 03 (LK) මිල සිට 2 අපගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ ස්ථාන.
Chocoholics - Colombo 03 (LK) මෙනුව
Picked For You |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Choco Crepe
Signature crepe and chocolate.
₨950.00 |
Waffle On a Stick
Our signature waffle dipped in chocolate.
₨650.00 |
Strawberry Stick
Four pieces. With any of the following dipping with chocolate.
₨500.00 |
Krispy Crepe
Crepe stuffed with strawberries, rice Krispies, and topped with chocolates.
₨1,200.00 |
Cinnamon Pancake
Pancakes with banana, cinnamon, and a shot of chocolate.
₨750.00 |
Top Picks |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Choco Crepe (Top Picks)
Signature crepe and chocolate.
₨950.00 |
Cappuccino | ₨600.00 |
Mixed Fruit Pancakes
Pancakes with strawberriies, banana, and grapes topped with chocolate.
₨1,250.00 |
Cinnamon Pancake (Top Picks)
Pancakes with banana, cinnamon, and a shot of chocolate.
₨750.00 |
Fettuccine Crepe
Fettuccine inspired crepe topped with ice cream and chocolate.
₨900.00 |
Crepe |
මිල | Reviews | ||
Choco Crepe (Crepe)
Signature crepe and chocolate.
₨950.00 |
Browine Crepe
Crepe filled with browine and chocolate.
₨1,200.00 |
Krispy Crepe (Crepe)
Crepe stuffed with strawberries, rice Krispies, and topped with chocolates.
₨1,200.00 |
Fettuccine Crepe (Crepe)
Fettuccine inspired crepe topped with ice cream and chocolate.
₨900.00 |
Cinnamon Pouch
Crepe filled with whipped cream, banana, cinnamon, and chocolate.
₨900.00 |
Tropical Crepe Twist
Crepe filled with strawberry, banana, and grapes with a shot of chocolate.
₨1,200.00 |