Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
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You are viewing the average Taco Del Mar (CA) prices from 45 locations in our database.
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Taco Del Mar (CA) Menu
Funnel Cake Express |
Price | Reviews | ||
Classic funnel cake sprinkled with icing sugar, topped with fruit, drizzled with your favourite sauce and crowned with vanilla soft serve
Choice of Fruit Topping Apple Topping 0 Strawberry Topping 0 Choice of Sauce Caramel 0 Chocolate Syrup 0 Nutella 0 Pure Maple Syrup 0 Add on Premium Toppings Soft Serve Ice Cream 4.99 Strawberry Topping 4.99 Apple Topping 4.99 Add Extra Toppings Caramel Sauce 0.99 Chocolate Syrup 0.99 Nutella 0.99 Shredded Coconut 0.99 Sprinkles 0.99 Marshmellow 0.99 Pure Maple Syrup 1.99 Oreo Pieces 0.99 |
$16.99 |
Build Your Own Funnel Cake
Classic Funnel Cake sprinkled with icing sugar, make it your own by adding your favorite toppings.
Add on Premium Toppings Soft Serve Ice Cream 4.99 Strawberry Topping 4.99 Apple Topping 4.99 Add Extra Toppings Caramel Sauce 0.99 Chocolate Syrup 0.99 Nutella 0.99 Shredded Coconut 0.99 Sprinkles 0.99 Marshmellow 0.99 Pure Maple Syrup 1.99 Oreo Pieces 0.99 |
$7.12 |
Sides |
Price | Reviews | ||
Rice | $5.26 |
Ben & Jerry Milkshakes |
Price | Reviews | ||
Ben and Jerry's Netflix and Chill'd
Choice of milk 2% milk 0 |
$7.99 |