Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
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Average Item Price
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Aggregate rating is calculated using user ratings of each individual item shown below.
You are viewing the average Boise Bill's prices from 56 locations in our database.
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Boise Bill's Menu
Price | Reviews | ||
Side Garden Salad | $7.99 |
Chicken Noodle Cup | $5.96 |
Ranch Dressing Side | $0.90 |
Broccoli Cheese Cup | $5.96 |
Butter Extra Side | $1.16 |
Fruit Cup no Dip | $4.65 |
Sour Cream Extra Side | $0.69 |
Mac and Cheese Side | $5.96 |
Stuffed Potatoes |
Price | Reviews | ||
Bill's Original | $10.37 |
The Ranch Hand | $12.79 |
The Big Boise
A big, hot, fluffy potato loaded up with delicious chopped BBQ, a fistful of cheddar and some butter - because why not?
$11.51 |
The Farmhand | $10.37 |
The Laredo Potato | $11.46 |
The Cluckster | $12.80 |
Buckin' Broc n' Cheese | $12.58 |
The Idaho Sunrise | $11.62 |
The Meat Baller | $12.58 |
The Jumbo Gumbo | $11.18 |
Philly Cheese Tate | $12.37 |
The Rancher's Club | $14.42 |
Sides |
Price | Reviews | ||
Fruit Cup
Every potato could use a sidekick.
$4.37 |