Price change data displayed below is the difference between the previous and the last record in our database. The two records could be derived from different sources, and as such, should only be used as estimates.
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Average Item Price
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Aggregate rating is calculated using user ratings of each individual item shown below.
You are viewing the average Oberweis prices from 49 locations in our database.
Oberweis Menu
Popular Items |
Price | Reviews | ||
Double Scoop Ice Cream | $6.94 |
Triple Scoop Ice Cream | $9.02 |
Peanut Butter Sundae
1280-1625 cal. Comes with a chocolate dipped waffle bowl, chocolate peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter topping, and chopped Reeses.
$7.85 |
Turtle Sundae
1130-1430 cal. Comes with vanilla ice cream toppings caramel, hot fudge, pecans, whip cream and a cherry.
$7.51 |
Scoops - Ice CreamEnjoy your favorite flavors of Oberweis Super Premium Ice Cream or Soft Serve in a fresh-made waffle cone or bowl.
Price | Reviews | ||
Kid's Scoop Ice Cream | $3.12 |
Single Scoop Ice Cream | $4.81 |
Vanilla Soft Serve | $1.50 |
SundaesWe've been making our fountain treats with the best-tasting super premium ice cream since 1951! Prices vary from in store.
Price | Reviews | ||
Lava Cake A la Carte
Our delicious lava cake served without ice cream and topping.
$7.46 |
Banana Royale Sundae
1400 cal. Comes with ice cream vanilla, choc, straw toppings- hot fudge, pineapple, strawberry pecans, banana whip cream and a cherry.
$10.00 |
Lava Cake Sundae
Warm lava cake with vanilla ice cream and chocolate drizzle.
$10.40 |
Fudge Brownie Sundae
1500-1800 cal. Warm brownie, vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, pecans, whip and a cherry.
$8.66 |
Hot Fudge Sundae
720-1020 cal. Vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whip cream and a cherry.
$6.23 |
Old Fashioned Sundae
610-1160 cal.
$6.17 |