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You are viewing the average Red Mango prices from 53 locations in our database.
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1. Fruit and Yogurt Smoothies
2. Most Popular
3. Easy Greens
4. Recommended
5. Acai Bowl
6. Frozen Yogurt
7. Body Balance Smoothies
8. Fruit & Yogurt Smoothies
9. All Natural Frozen Yogurt
10. Yogurt
11. Fro-Yo
12. Acai Bowls
13. Simply Juice
14. Sweet Greens Juice
15. Smoothies
16. Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits
17. Light and Fit Smoothies
18. Roots and Fruits Juice
Red Mango Menu
16 oz Acai/Pitaya Bowls |
Price | Reviews | ||
Berry Acai Bowl
Organic sambazon acai, granola, strawberry and banana.
$10.61 |
PB Pitaya Bowl
Organic pitaya, granola, strawberry, banana and peanut butter.
$10.95 |
Nutella Berry Acai Bowl
Organic sambazon acai, granola, strawberry, banana, and nutella.
$11.03 |
The Hawaiian Bowl
Coconut,cream of coconut,banana
Topped with granola, pineapple,banana,coconut
$12.47 |
Create your own Pitaya Bowl
Includes Granola and Banana (16 oz size only)
$9.28 |
Create your own Acai Bowl
Includes Granola and Banana (16 oz size only)
$9.26 |
Fruit and Yogurt Smoothies |
Price | Reviews | ||
Pomegranate Smoothie
Pomegranate, yogurt, and blueberry.
$6.63 |
Tropical Mango Smoothie
Fresh cut mango, fresh cut pineapple and Red Mangos frozen yogurt that is all natural, fat free, gluten free, kosher, and packed with beneficial live and active probiotic cultures.
$6.61 |
Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Yogurt, strawberries, and bananas.
$6.63 |
Berry Banana Smoothie
Fresh cut strawberries, fresh blueberries, fresh bananas, and Red Mango's frozen yogurt that is all natural, fat free, gluten free, kosher, and packed with beneficial live and active probiotic cultures.
$6.95 |
Most Popular |
Price | Reviews | ||
Mighty Mango Acai Bowl
Organic sambozen acai, granola, pineapple, mango, banana, and shredded coconut.
$10.70 |