You are viewing the average Silverton Buffet prices from 0 locations in our database.

On the Silverton Buffet menu, the most expensive item is Regular (Per Person) (Friday Dinner), which costs $24.99. The cheapest item on the menu is With Silverton Rewards Card (Per Person) (Lunch), which costs $9.99. The average price of all items on the menu is currently $18.49.
View the Silverton Buffet menu prices list below for the most accurate and up-to-date menu prices. We aggregate data from one or more Silverton Buffet locations in our database to create the most accurate list of Silverton Buffet prices. Don't rely on outdated price data. We update our database frequently to ensure that the prices are as accurate as possible.
You are viewing the average Silverton Buffet prices from 0 locations in our database.